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DEUBLIN is the leading manufacturer of Rotating Unions – a mechanical device that allows transfer of pressurized fluid from a stationary source into rotating machinery for heating, cooling or transfer of fluid power.DEUBLIN's entree into the Rotating Union market was its unique design that incorporated balanced mechanical seals. The then innovative design was immediately accepted by the industry and this began the growth of the company.Rotating Union applications include Air Clutches, Gear Boxes, Machine Tool Spindles, Textile Equipment, Rubber & Plastic Manufacturing Machinery, Steel Continuous Casting Machines and Paper Machine Calender stacks. In 1989 DEUBLIN product line was expanded to include Steam Joints and Siphon Systems for Paper Machine Dryer Cans.With its world headquarters in Waukegan – a suburb of Chicago, IL – DEUBLIN spans the world with wholly owned subsidiaries in Austria, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Poland, Singapore, Spain and the United Kingdom. In the rest of the world, Deublin products and services are available through Authorized Distributors.
尺寸 |
旋转接头系列 |
压力bar |
温度。C |
转速r/min |
描 述 |
点击PDF下载选型资料 |
3/8"-2" |
55 |
50 |
120 |
3,500 |
通用 | PDF |
3/8"-2" |
57 |
10 |
90 |
3,500 |
介质为水 | PDF |
21/2" |
755 |
14 |
120 |
750 |
通用 | PDF |
3" |
857 |
10 |
120 |
500 |
介质为水 | PDF |
3/8"-1" |
54 |
125 |
90 |
3,500 |
316不锈钢 | PDF |
3/8" |
927 |
276 |
90 |
2,000 |
介质为水,高压 | PDF |
1/2"-3/4" |
22 |
105 |
120 |
250 |
介质为水,洗车行业 | PDF |
2"-4" |
6000 |
10 |
120 |
750 |
介质为水 | PDF |
5" |
F127 |
10 |
120 |
750 |
介质为水 | PDF |
3/4"-11/2" |
2000 |
10 |
120 |
100 |
介质为水,连铸机 | PDF |
3/8"-1/2" |
N Steam |
17 |
200 |
750 |
单一轴承,球形密封 | PDF |
3/8"-1/2" |
N Hot Oil |
10 |
230 |
750 |
单一轴承,球形密封 |
3/4"-2" |
9000 Steam |
10 |
185 |
400 |
单一轴承,球形密封 | PDF |
3/4"-2" |
9000 Hot Oil |
10 |
230 |
400 |
单一轴承,球形密封 | PDF |
11/2" |
HPS Steam |
17 |
200 |
400 |
双轴承,球形密封 | PDF |
3/4'-5" |
H Steam 10 |
10 |
180 |
180 |
双轴承,球形密封 |
3/4'-5" |
H Hot Oil |
6 |
230 |
350 |
双轴承,球形密封 |
1/8"-3/8" |
1005, 1102, 1115 |
70 |
120 |
3,500 |
标准应用气-液压旋转接头 | PDF |
1/2" |
1205, 2200 |
70 |
120 |
3,500 |
标准应用 | PDF |
3/4"-11/2" |
250, 355, 452 |
70 |
120 |
3,500 |
标准应用 | PDF |
1/8"-3/8" |
1005, 1102, 1115 |
70 |
120 |
3,500 |
安装于轴内 |
1/4"-1/2" |
AP |
400 |
90 |
1,500 |
高压、高速 | PDF |
1/4"-11/2" |
D |
450 |
120 |
20 |
高压、低速 | PDF |
3/8" x 2 |
1500 |
10 |
120 |
1,500 |
空气 | PDF |
1/2' x 2 |
1590 |
10 |
120 |
1,500 |
空气 | PDF |
1/2' x 2 |
1579 |
70 |
120 |
1,500 |
液压油 | PDF |
1/4' x 2 |
2620 |
50 |
120 |
5,000 |
空气或液压油 | PDF (双通道) |
3/8"-1/2' x 4 |
1379, 1479 |
250 |
80 |
250 |
多介质4通道 | PDF |
1/4"-1/2" |
17, 21 |
204 |
120 |
250 |
空气或液压油、低速 | PDF |
1/4' x 1/2' |
2117 |
204 |
120 |
250 |
低速、一前一后,介质为空气或液压油 | PDF |
1/4'-1/2"-3/4" x 2 |
1690, 1790, 1890 |
204 |
120 |
250 |
低速 | PDF |
1/4" x 3/4' x 3 |
1890 |
204 |
120 |
250 |
3通道 | PDF |
3/8" |
1114 |
10 |
70 |
22,000 |
轴承 | PDF |
3/8" |
1117 |
140 |
70 |
20,000 |
无轴承 | PDF |
3/8" |
1116 |
70 |
70 |
10,000 |
标准应用 | PDF |
3/16" |
1101 |
105 |
70 |
15,000 |
标准应用、高速 | PDF |
3/8" |
1108 |
70 |
70 |
15,000 |
标准应用、高速 | PDF |
1/4"-3/8" |
1109, 902 |
105 |
70 |
20,000 |
高速 | PDF | PDF |
3/8" |
1129 ,1139 |
70 |
70 |
10,000 |
无轴承冷却接头 | PDF | PDF |
1154 |
140 |
70 |
40,000 |
无轴承冷却接头 | PDF |
FS |
10 |
185 |
大于400 |
造纸烘缸汽头 |
H |
同上 |
CK |
6 |
250 |
850 |
轧光机接头 |
1/8"-1" |
1005, 468, 981 |
50 |
120 |
3,500 |
水、钻井平台、离合器、刹车系统 |
1/4"-3/8" |
1102, 1115, 882 |
10 |
120 |
3,500 |
轮胎 |
Custom |
7000 / 7100 |
204 |
120 |
3,500 |
绕轴 |
接头尺寸 |
多通道接头(空气/液压/水) |
系列号 |
液体压力P.S.I |
气体压力P.S.I |
温度(oF) |
转数RPM |
资料下载PDF |
(2) x 1/14" |
1690-000 |
3000 |
150 |
250 |
250 |
2520-000 |
750 |
150 |
250 |
5000 |
1/4" x 3/8" x 3/8" |
150 |
250 |
1500 |
1/4" x 1/2" |
2117-001 |
3000 |
150 |
250 |
250 |
(2) x 3/8" |
1500-000 |
150 |
250 |
1500 |
(4) x 3/8" |
1379-460 |
850 |
150 |
175 |
250 |
1379-460 |
3600 |
150 |
175 |
10 |
(2) x 1/2" |
1579-000 |
1000 |
- |
250 |
1500 |
1790-001 |
3000 |
150 |
250 |
250 |
1590-000 |
150 |
250 |
1500 |
(4) x 1/2" |
1479-100 |
850 |
150 |
175 |
250 |
1479-400 |
3600 |
150 |
175 |
10 |
1/2" x 1" |
150 |
250 |
350 |
(2) x 3/4" |
1890-100 |
3000 |
150 |
250 |
250 |
1/4" x 3/4" x 3/4" |
1890-116 |
3000 |
150 |
250 |
250 |
1121 |
3/8" x 1 1/2" x 2 " |
14000系列 |
G3/4" -- G 1 1/2 " |
3000 |
250 |
1. 订货时请详细列出产品型号,一般为xxx-xxx-xxx, 如有字母请务必写清楚。
2. 当所需产品不在上述列表之内,或所需产品操作参数超过上表所述,请与我们的技术服务人员联系。
3. 对一些特殊产品,订货时请注明单、双向液;法兰、螺纹连接;中心管是固定式还是旋转式。详情请咨询我们的技术服务人员
010-8428 2935杨先生。
DEUBLIN 的接头用于几乎无限宽广的领域,最广泛地适用于各种材质、粘度、温度、压力及速度的应用。旋转接头是一种独特专用的产品,因为它必须能够在非常高速旋转的同时承受非常高的压力。要做到这一点,就必须使密封面达到几近完美的配合,即密封必须微搭接,不考虑介质的压力因素,而使加载在密封表面的负荷或压力保持在最低限度,并且能够平滑稳定地旋转及摩擦减少到最低限度,以延长使用寿命并保证无泄漏。
Industry / Product Download Catalog:
RU171 US - Engineering Catalog
MT163 US - Rotating Unions for Machine Tools and Machining Centers
COR163 US - Corrugating Solutions
PP143 US - Paper Industry Catalog
MPSS151 US - Multi-Passage Soft Seal Rotating Unions
WE102 US - Hydraulic Unions for Wind Energy
SR114 US - Electrical Slip Rings
ST141 US - Steel Industry

Model & Specifications PDF Format |
点击下载 |
for water & hot oil up to 120°C 水和热油介质 |
for steam & hot oil up to 230°C 蒸汽和热油介质 |
for air & hydraulic 气体和液压介质 |
Machine Toll for coolant 机床冷却液介质应用 |
for water in continuous casting plants 冶金行业应用 |