DEUBLIN杜博林 H系列蒸汽与热油应用接头
DEUBLIN Rotating Union H Series for Steam or Hot Oil Service,DN 20 - 125
DEUBLIN 杜博林 H系列蒸汽与热油应用接头特点:单通道与双通道设计; 自带支撑旋转接头;球面密封更适合于机械和热振动;2 个宽间距分布的石墨轴承;H57-H127 可选端盖配置观察窗,可目视检查凝汽排出情况;密封磨损指示可保证预防性维护;可提供法兰连接式或螺纹连接式转体;铸铁壳体;不锈钢转体;专用于造纸、塑料及纺织工业中的蒸汽和热油应用 。
DEUBLIN Rotating Union H Series for Steam or Hot Oil Service,DN 20 - 125
H Series Steam and Hot Oil Union

- 单通道与双通道设计
- 自带支撑旋转接头
- 球面密封更适合于机械和热振动
- 2 个宽间距分布的石墨轴承
- H57-H127 可选端盖配置观察窗,可目视检查凝汽排出情况
- 密封磨损指示可保证预防性维护
- 可提供法兰连接式或螺纹连接式转体
- 铸铁壳体
- 不锈钢转体
- 专用于造纸、塑料及纺织工业中的蒸汽和热油应用
Rotating Union H Series for Steam or Hot Oil Service,DN 20 - 125
- monoflow and duoflow design
- self-supported rotating union
- designed for steam and hot oil applications in paper, plastics
and textile industries
- effective on a variety of applications, especially on open gear
paper machines
- pressurised spherical carbon graphite seal
- Ni-Resist counterface
- two widely spaced graphite bearings
- H57 - H127 optional with sight glasses in the end cap for visual
inspection of condensate removal
- seal wear indicator allows preventive maintenance
- flanged or threaded rotor available
- cast iron housing
- steel rotor
For further information please contact DEUBLIN or your local
H20 、 H25 、 H32 、 H40 、 H57 、 H67 、 H87 、 H107 、 H127
The rotating unions of the H Series can be used with the DEUBLIN Siphon Systems. Rotating and non-rotating siphon systems
can be customised to meet any/all requirements. For further information please refer to our catalogue “Rotating Joints and Siphon
Systems for the Paper Industry“ or contact DEUBLIN directly.
DEUBLIN 的接头用于几乎无限宽广的领域,最广泛地适用于各种材质、粘度、温度、压力及速度的应用。旋转接头是一种独特专用的产品,因为它必须能够在非常高速旋转的同时承受非常高的压力。要做到这一点,就必须使密封面达到几近完美的配合,即密封必须微搭接,不考虑介质的压力因素,而使加载在密封表面的负荷或压力保持在最低限度,并且能够平滑稳定地旋转及摩擦减少到最低限度,以延长使用寿命并保证无泄漏。